Crown Manager appointed for Christchurch

  • Chris Tremain
  • Gerry Brownlee
Local Government Canterbury Earthquake Recovery

The Government today announced the appointment of Douglas Martin as the Crown Manager for Christchurch City Council’s building consenting functions.

“Mr Martin is well qualified to undertake the role of Crown Manager.  He is one of New Zealand’s most experienced and respected advisors on improving the performance of public sector agencies in New Zealand,” says Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee. 

 “This is a positive step in the right direction.  Mr Martin has an extensive track record in advising New Zealand and overseas governments on organisational restructuring and change management,” says Local Government Minister Chris Tremain 

“Mr Martin has taken a leading role in a number of public sector reviews, including issues with Environment Canterbury’s performance and a review of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority with the implementation of the National Certificate in Educational Achievement.

“He has also worked with the Auckland Council on regulatory fees reviews and governance issues; and other councils on governance and amalgamation.

“In addition to the appointment, I have agreed the Crown Manager’s Terms of Reference, which were discussed with the Council last week.

“The Crown Manager’s role will focus on oversight of the Council’s building consenting functions and ensuring that the Council regains its accreditation.  Mr Martin will be reporting back to me in four weeks with an initial plan of action. 

“The Crown Manager will have the authority to direct the Council to take actions he considers necessary to resolve the Council’s on-going issues with building consents.”

Key features of the Terms of Reference include:

  • The management period will commence on 15 July 2013 and expire on 31 December 2014; 
  • The Crown Manager’s role will include overseeing the Council’s building control functions and ensuring that the Council regains accreditation as a building consent authority;
  • The Crown Manager will focus on the urgent need for implementing broad performance improvements,  ensuring the Council has adequate processes and capability to fulfil its building control functions;
  • The Crown Manager will take into account the interface of building control functions with other related Council regulatory functions; and
  • The Crown Manager may request assistance from MBIE, the Department of Internal Affairs and other parties as necessary to fulfil the terms of reference (MBIE’s current level of assistance will remain in place for the time being).

The Crown Manager will have the ability, to the extent authorised by his terms of reference, to:

  • Direct the Council to act to address the problem;
  • Make recommendations to the Minister on whether the Minister should take further action in relation to the Council, including whether the Minister should appoint any other Ministerial body to the local authority; and
  • Ensure, as far as practicable, that the existing organisational capability of the local authority is not diminished.

Terms of reference: