Dual Launch for Pacific Health

  • Tariana Turia

Associate Minister of Health Tariana Turia facilitated the dual launch of Tangata o le Moana – the Auckland Regional Provider Network and the refreshed ‘Ala Mo’ui: Pathways to Pacific Health and Wellbeing 2014-2018 at Pacific Homecare in Papatoetoe, Auckland this week.

“Relationship building and networking is key to the success of any strategy or programme. Tangata o le Moana and ‘Ala Mo’ui recognize the health goals of the Pacific community by bringing together Pacific provider managers and governance members  - consolidating support so that Pacific families can enjoy better health and well-being,” says Minister Turia.

“The Tangata o le Moana network encourages and enables more opportunities for collaboration across fourteen Auckland Pacific health providers who are supported by Alliance Health Plus, in partnership with the Ministry of Health. Tangata o le Moana is the platform for the coordinated effort and will also be the voice for the Auckland Pacific health sector.”

“Ala Mo’ui 2014-2018 is the national plan for improving health outcomes for Pacific peoples and is driven by the vision of achieving health equity for all Pacific peoples in New Zealand. The plan brings together sector wide initiatives and builds on the progress that has been made with the implementation of the first strategy ̛launched in 2010.”

“I congratulate all those in the Pacific health sector for their vision, determination and commitment to improving the lives of those peoples who identify as Pasefika and live here in Aotearoa.  Together – the combination of your efforts ensure that Pacific Peoples are on the pathway to become self-determining and are able to lead longer, healthier more independent lives as a result,” says Mrs Turia.