A new era in workplace health and safety begins

  • Simon Bridges

A new era in workplace health and safety begins today with the opening of WorkSafe NZ, the new stand-alone Crown regulator dedicated to health and safety says Labour Minister Simon Bridges.

“Too many people are killed or seriously injured in our workplaces and the injury rate must come down,” says Mr Bridges.

“WorkSafe NZ has high targets and will work with other Government agencies, businesses, and workers to reduce the fatalities, serious injuries and illnesses caused in the workplace.”

“WorkSafe NZ has unprecedented funding, a clear mandate, more of a focus on education and prevention, and will take a lead role in meeting the Government’s target to reduce the rate of serious injury and death by 25 per cent by 2020.

“WorkSafe NZ’s role is critical – it educates, engages and enforces – but it cannot achieve the step-change we require in workplace health and safety on its own,” says Mr Bridges.

“Workplace health and safety is an issue every New Zealander has a stake in. We’ve got to work together every day to ensure workplaces are safe and healthy environments.”

WorkSafe takes on the frontline inspectorate and the support functions from the former Health and Safety group in the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.