Submissions on future of science system

  • Steven Joyce
Science and Innovation

Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce today released the summary of submissions received in response to the Government's first Draft National Statement of Science Investment (NSSI), which sets out the current settings and proposed future priorities for the Government’s science investment.

The Draft NSSI was released for public feedback in May. It reviews the entire cross-government investment in research and development, and proposes potential reforms to the sector-specific research funds administered by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

“Most submitters noted that the draft NSSI provides a good overview of the whole science system, and appreciated the opportunity to be consulted on the future direction of New Zealand’s science system,” Mr Joyce says.

“A strong theme among responders was that a long-term national science strategy would provide stability and predictability to a system that they felt had been subject to significant change in recent years.

“However, stakeholders also recognised that further change, particularly to MBIE’s contestable sector-specific funds, was necessary to raise the performance of the science system.”

A total of 108 submissions were received from a variety of stakeholders including:

  • 14 Crown Research Institutes and independent research organisations
  • 15 peak science and funding bodies
  • 28 business-related industry bodies and private sector businesses
  • 32 tertiary education organisations
  • 8 local governments and museums
  • 11 other submitters.

“The Government’s science investment will be almost $1.5 billion in 2015/16, a figure which has grown by more than 70 per cent across government since 2007/08,” Mr Joyce says.

“To capitalise on opportunities to increase the value and effectiveness of this investment, the draft NSSI proposes a series of key priorities for action over the next five to 10 years.

“Through the NSSI, we expect to maximise the critical contribution of science to New Zealand’s economic growth, prosperity, and the wellbeing of all New Zealanders.”

The final NSSI is planned for publication in the first half of 2015. The summary of submissions is available at: