Gender Pay Gap reduction great news for women

  • Paula Bennett

Women’s Minister Paula Bennett has today welcomed a reduction in the Gender Pay Gap of almost three percentage points.

Statistics New Zealand today announced that the Gender Pay Gap is now 9.4 per cent for the June Quarter 2017, down from 12 per cent last year.

“As Minister for Women I’ve made sure that this is the top priority for both me and the Ministry for Women. It’s fantastic to see such a significant reduction today,” Mrs Bennett says.

“Don’t get me wrong, I still believe having any Gender Pay Gap is completely unacceptable but it’s moving in the right direction. I want New Zealand to be the first country to eliminate the Gender Pay Gap and I believe we can.

“It’s been great to see this issue increasingly in the media and at the front of minds of Chief Executives and Board Chairs. The Ministry for Women has been working with the private sector to give advice on how to close the gap and will soon release a tool on how to measure it.

“Research shows that companies that have diversity are more successful and ultimately make more money.

“I believe businesses are taking this issue seriously. I would encourage them to keep promoting women who deserve to be promoted and encourage more women onto boards.

“This is something we’ve worked hard on in the public sector. We recently reached our goal of 45 per cent of women on State Sector Boards and 46 per cent of women in senior leadership roles in the public service.

“I hope this is an issue we keep talking about and taking action on so that the gap continues to trend in this direction, because in 2017 there is absolutely no excuse for someone to be paid less just because of their gender.