PM’s Scholarships for Latin America announced

  • Paul Goldsmith
Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment

Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment Minister Paul Goldsmith has today announced the latest round of recipients of the Prime Minister’s Scholarships for Latin America (PMSLA).

“These scholarships were established in 2016 in order to build New Zealand’s connections with Latin America. This year Argentina and Peru are among the six study destinations chosen, together with Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico,” Mr Goldsmith says.

Eleven individual students from across New Zealand and one group of 10 students have been selected in this second round of 2016/17 scholarships, with a total value of $233,332. 

“This international education experience will enable the students to develop cultural skills and understanding alongside their specialist subject knowledge. Young Kiwis who are confident operating in many countries and cultures will boost New Zealand’s future as a trading nation,” Mr Goldsmith says.

The 11 individual study programmes include university exchanges and business internships, as well as a Master of International Business degree. 

In addition, a group of 10 senior law students from University of Waikato will attend the Latin America Law Summer School in Chile early in 2018.

“I want to congratulate all of the scholarship recipients, and wish them all the best for their time representing New Zealand to the world,” Mr Goldsmith says.

The PMSLA programme is funded as part of the $761.4 million ‘Innovative New Zealand’ 2016 Budget package.

Applications are now open for round one of the 2017/18 PMSLA and will close on 30 October 2017. 

Further information, including the names of the latest scholarship recipients, is available on the Education New Zealand website here.