Hon Nanaia Mahuta

Hundreds of marae throughout the country will be upgraded through investments from the Provincial Growth Fund’s refocused post COVID-19 funding to create jobs and put money into the pockets of local tradespeople and businesses, Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones and Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta have announced.

Hon Nanaia Mahuta Hon Shane Jones Māori Development Regional Economic Development

One of the most significant battle sites of the 1860s Land Wars will receive $2.96 million from the Provincial Growth Fund to improve the site and help tell the New Zealand story to visitors, Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta and Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones have announced.

Hon Nanaia Mahuta Hon Shane Jones Māori Development Regional Economic Development

As part of the COVID-19 recovery, the Government has strengthened its procurement rules to ensure its annual $42 billion spend creates more jobs, uses more sustainable construction practices and results in better outcomes for Māori and Pasifika, Government Ministers announced today.

Hon Phil Twyford Hon Nanaia Mahuta Hon Aupito William Sio Economic Development Māori Development Pacific Peoples

Thank you for the invitation to deliver the keynote address to this year’s Stormwater conference.

Hon Nanaia Mahuta Local Government

Māori land owners will be better supported to resolve disputes and build papakāinga housing on their whenua with targeted changes to Te Ture Whenua Māori Act now becoming law.

Hon Nanaia Mahuta Māori Development

Minister of Local Government Hon Nanaia Mahuta welcomes legislation that makes it easier for low income ratepayers to access rates support from the Government. 

Hon Nanaia Mahuta Local Government

The New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute Vesting Act 2020 was passed by the House today and the Minister for Māori Development, Nanaia Mahuta, says this has been a long time coming and means the iwi can now focus on developing their future.

Hon Nanaia Mahuta Māori Development

Changing audience demands and fast evolving technology in the world of Māori media means the sector need to reorient the way it works, says Minister for Māori Development Nanaia Mahuta. 

Hon Nanaia Mahuta Māori Development